What We Know About Ackerly Green Publishing

What We Know About Ackerly Green Publishing

Hi, Endri here. I’ve spent years collecting this research. This is literally all I know about Ackerly Green. In the wake of everything that happened last week, I want to share what I have in case it helps with future fragments, assuming there will be more...
New DG Post: Bags, Grey Dogs, and Limbo

New DG Post: Bags, Grey Dogs, and Limbo

DG has just posted to her blog: She’s in the middle of reading Through The Night, and wondering what she’s still doing in NYC. Bags, Grey Dogs and Limbo Hop over to the brand-spanking new forum to...


Hey folks, it’s Eaves. I can’t sleep. So… crazy couple weeks, yeah? I’m super proud of you guys (and feel your success reflects well on me as your BC ambassador.) One thing I was thinking… who’s the Tumblr-er that posted the...

Endri’s Recap: The Week of August 14th

This is my Mountaineer recap for the week of August 14th: A relatively quiet week, especially given the events of last week. Bash completely revamped the Basecamp forum so it’s easier to post, easier to navigate, and looks great on mobile. I posted everything we...
The Rabbit King and the Burrow in the Fray

The Rabbit King and the Burrow in the Fray

Did I say something about a quiet week in last Friday’s recap? Yes, well, I hadn’t checked the forums. A new user by the name of KingRabbit717 signed up and started posting this image into just about every topic that mentioned DG:   When asked about...
New DG Post: Paranoia & Cupcakes

New DG Post: Paranoia & Cupcakes

DG just updated her blog and she mentions seeing a man in the east village that she thought was also following her back in the UK. She thought she was seeing things, but… is this KingRabbit717? If it is, he’s really following her around the city and...

Endri’s Recap: The Week of August 21st

This is my Mountaineer recap for the week of August 21st: Over last weekend a new user calling himself “KingRabbit717” began posting an image of DG on several topics. He claims he’s been following her, hoping to add her to his new collection. His...
Basecamp 33 Changes

Basecamp 33 Changes

Hey recruits, it’s Endri. We’re making a few administrative changes to help manage the influx of information over on the forum. As of today, I will be managing the organization and moderation of all forum activity. I’m more adept at record keeping...
New DG Post: A Question of Family

New DG Post: A Question of Family

Hey guys, Seems like DG’s been doing her own research on Ackerly Green: A question of family Unfortunately she didn’t figure out anything we didn’t already know. A couple other things of note: Orvin Wallace, Sullivan’s attorney, stood her up...

Mountaineer Recap: The Week of August 28th

SO… Eaves here! Taking over for Endri’s Weekly Updates from here on out. No pressure! This is my Mountaineer recap for the week of August 28th: Recruits on the Basecamp Forum are in the middle of breaking down “KingRabbit’s” puzzle. King...