by Eaves | Nov 29, 2016 | Dispatch
Big Update: Fragment Five has been found! Working with clues from DG’s journal page, recruits found a creepy website called The Cagliostro. Deep inside the site they discovered a webmail app and emails between an assistant named Lauren in NYC and her boss, (The...
by Eaves | Nov 25, 2016 | Weekly Update
Hey recruits, I missed you! Onto the recap: DG, after being radio silent for a weeks, finally popped back up to let us know she’s neck deep in the paperwork of putting Ackerly Green Publishing back together. While looking at copyright info in her copy of The...
by Eaves | Nov 24, 2016 | Offsite
First off, Happy Thanksgiving American recruits and Happy Thursday everybody else. DG updated today and I didn’t see because I was dead from all the food I replaced my feelings with (thanks for picking up my slack, Robert.) She talks about putting Ackerly Green...
by Eaves | Nov 17, 2016 | Offsite
Thanks everybody for asking about me, I’m fine. Let’s move on. DG put a new post up this morning! She’s been working this whole time on getting Ackerly Green started again. Good for her. The big idea and the real...
by Itsuki | Nov 14, 2016 | Dispatch
The fire is where stories began. It’s still where ideas are born, lessons are learnt, and homes are built. Our own campfire is a crucible of creative input, where our ideas and stories will feed the flame that makes magic visible. We need you to cast your spells by...