This is my Mountaineer recap for the week of August 21st:

Over last weekend a new user calling himself “KingRabbit717” began posting an image of DG on several topics. He claims he’s been following her, hoping to add her to his new collection.

  • His profile led to his Instagram account where we learned he and his photographs are somehow connected to the second fragment.
  • Hints on his Instagram account led to a website called Burrow in the Fray which has five password fields.
  • Using clues from images KingRabbit posted, recruits narrowed down a piece of art in the Whitney Museum as a possible solution.
  • Recruit AlisonB used a phrase from the painting (OBJECTA e. Dv.) to unlock the first password field which led to a strange video.
  • Once downloaded, the recruits in the forum discovered that the video is a continual loop of a sunrise and sunset over a strange landscape—
  • And it’s six hours long. Efforts to skim the video haven’t revealed anything yet.

And worryingly, DG thought she saw the same man that was outside her window in the UK, watching her again in the East Village. Could it be KingRabbit? Has he been watching her for months?

Recruit Johanna attempted to make contact with DG through her blog comments, but her comment disappeared.

We definitely need more eyes on the video. Please visit the forum and help find whatever clues might hide inside it.

