by Eaves | Apr 28, 2017 | Weekly Update
Happy Friday Mountaineers, As promised, Aether finally reached out to us as he underwent an experiment this week to try and open a door to “the other side” like the door Brandon Lachmann opened 30 years ago. We think there must be a clue hidden in the...
by Eaves | Apr 28, 2017 | Offsite
DG is still in Israel and she has a (pretty solid) theory about who she thinks is behind the roads of silver and wool. Anne of...
by Eaves | Apr 25, 2017 | Offsite
Oooooookay. Deirdre posted. Not at all what I wanted to read just before trying to go to bed....
by Eaves | Apr 21, 2017 | Weekly Update
Happy Friday Mountaineers, So last week we were waiting to watch Aether’s livestream on our own Basecamp Youtube channel. Well, it didn’t disappoint. (I HIGHLY recommend not watching the last minute or so of that video if you want to sleep tonight.) He...
by Eaves | Apr 19, 2017 | Dispatch
Deirdre has a new clue (thanks to resident schmoofy luvvy wuggins, Cole.) Can we help her out? Let’s put together thoughts in the forum and send her the top options!...