by Eaves | Oct 20, 2016 | Offsite
Aaaaaand in other crazy weird news, you should check out DG’s blog. She’s just revealed that not only is she staying in NYC, but she’s also revealed why she’s staying. It’s… well, go read. It’s incredible. That big...
by Eaves | Oct 14, 2016 | Weekly Update
What a screwed up, awful, frustrating week. Happy Friday! So remember last week when I mentioned the Lachmann memorial site having hundreds of links leading to a page that just asked “Are you Devoted?” Well we finally “met” the people...
by Eaves | Oct 7, 2016 | Weekly Update
Hey folks! So we had a mostly quiet weekend, then The Book of Briars sent this: The hour’s finally here Claims the chiming of the clock If you wish to find the hidden key Try looking for the lock Man must scurry for the truth For time is turning fast Instead of...
by Eaves | Oct 6, 2016 | Offsite
DG just posted. She got the Ackerly Green founding documents from Orvin. Ascender, are you around? Bash? Up all night and down the rabbit hole She found concept art for the ORIGINAL Ackerly Green logo. It’s a hippocampus! It’s a freaking hippocampus! And...
by Eaves | Sep 30, 2016 | Weekly Update
First off, the third fragment was found! After recruits discovered a roadblock to solving the third fragment called “Obenhedge”, they realized the puzzle was broken. They couldn’t go any further. Left with few options, recruits Robert and Brendon sent hail...