by Eaves | Aug 18, 2016 | Offsite
Hey folks, it’s Eaves. I can’t sleep. So… crazy couple weeks, yeah? I’m super proud of you guys (and feel your success reflects well on me as your BC ambassador.) One thing I was thinking… who’s the Tumblr-er that posted the...
by Eaves | Aug 18, 2016 | Offsite
DG has just posted to her blog: She’s in the middle of reading Through The Night, and wondering what she’s still doing in NYC. Bags, Grey Dogs and Limbo Hop over to the brand-spanking new forum to...
by Endri | Aug 15, 2016 | Dispatch
Hi, Endri here. I’ve spent years collecting this research. This is literally all I know about Ackerly Green. In the wake of everything that happened last week, I want to share what I have in case it helps with future fragments, assuming there will be more...
by Endri | Aug 12, 2016 | Weekly Update
This is my Mountaineer recap for the week of August 7th: Where to begin? What a week… On August 10th The Book of Briars sent an email that read— Find the words that have been changed Words both new and rearranged To find the five among the score Look deeper than...
by Endri | Aug 12, 2016 | Dispatch
Some incredible recruits have worked together to find the first fragment. This is an exciting day and I wanted to run through the events of the past 48 hours with all of you to catch you up to speed. After The Book sent out an email on August 10th that read: Find the...