by Endri | Aug 14, 2017 | Offsite
I can’t imagine what she must be feeling right now: Neither Here Nor...
by Endri | Aug 14, 2017 | Weekly Update
It turns out that Augie had left town to visit his father and grandfather, which led to a few interesting revelations. But before we could hear the outcome of his visit our access to Augie vanished and was replaced by another locked chronocompass. And the previous...
by Endri | Aug 6, 2017 | Weekly Update
Last week ended with Mountaineers now and sometime in the 90s unlocking a new piece of the Book of Briars’ Thirteenth fragment. Early in the week Augie sent word that the ’94 Mountaineers had solved half of the clock face nursery rhyme puzzle by assembling...
by Endri | Jul 31, 2017 | Weekly Update
In case you missed last week’s recap, we’ve been emailing back and forth with Augernon, a Mountaineer from sometime in the 90s, before the Storm wiped them out. Early in the week Augernon sent the clues they’d found in the remnants of Ackerly Green...
by Endri | Jul 27, 2017 | Offsite
DG performs the Joradian Safeguard and ruminates on what she’ll do after there are no more Monarch Papers. ...