Hey folks,
It’s getting super redundant to say it was a big week, but:
- The recruits solved the second fragment puzzle we dubbed “King Rabbit’s Burrow” and uncovered more torn pieces of paper from inside the Book of Briars.
- They also uncovered a secondary puzzle that unlocked a single piece of torn paper. We’re still not sure what happens when they’re all put together. And there’s a third puzzle that still needs solving.
- DG posted a massive entry that revealed things about her father, Ackerly Green, and her future.
- The recruits are in the middle of solving what we think is the third fragment the BoB mentioned a few weeks back. Someone is leaving verses on DG’s blog and Instagram. It’s like he can only speak through poetry and every time we try and talk to him he seems to “degrade” more, his writing looking more and more broken and confusing.
- The Book changed again to show the name of the recruits who helped solve the second fragment. Go you guys!
As always, we need your help on the forum. We know there are a lot of you out there reading all of this (Bash says so) but we need all kinds of skill sets to solve these fragments. Even if you don’t completely understand what’s happening (who does?) there’s definitely something you can help with.