This post from @Robert says it all:
“Appropriate subtitle: Things get weird…..
So, DG Posted today:
She’s very excited because she found a blog post of someone talking about reading the Wolf and the Wild when they were a kid. Their father’s copy. And they say they agree with the poster that reading it as a child is innapropriate. Sound familiar?
Things are about to get really, really interesting.
If you’re still lurking about @CRSumner, let us know how it goes if you can.
HOLY CRAP! DG Found Cole! She can see him/his blog!
What does this mean?
Appropriate subtitle: Things get weird…
So, DG Posted today
She’s very excited because she found a blog post of someone talking about reading the Wolf and the Wild when they were a kid. Their father’s copy. And they say they agree with the poster that reading it as a child is innapropriate. Sound familiar?
Things are about to get really, really interesting.
If you’re still lurking about @CRSumner, let us know how it goes if you can.
And hey, she’s in new York and single and loves books and yearns for crazy adventures… I’m just sayin’.
I’ve been kinda happy with a no-magic life, tbh but she messaged me. I didn’t think it was her at first because her user is deedsbyrne. Then I checked here to make sure and found this post…
Thought you guys should know…
I don’t have the book and haven’t talk to my dad in years, with no plans to change that.
I’ll write her back… any ideas what I should say?
Has a Tumblr account ever caused somebody this much trouble?
Yes, but it usually involves them getting fired for posting inappropriate pics from the holiday party.
My advice, and what I tried to do when we contacted you is be honest, and start small. You two remember a book that almost no one else does. Heck, maybe more than one, never know til you talk about it. It is kinda cool to have that chance to discuss something so rare. One step at a time.
Work your way up to the crazy in potential future conversations.
Hey Cole, sorry you’re getting roped into the magiq-verse again.
As far as what to say to Deidre, I definitely agree with starting small. You both have the books in common, so that’s a great starting place. Maybe you could vaguely namedrop the Briar Books and see if she responds to it at all? All the magic stuff…well, that can be introduced slowly.